Mercy Infrastructure

UPMC Mercy Infrastructure


UPMC Mercy Hospital

Completion Date


Building Specs

500,000 square feet

GBBN Architects

CJL Engineering

Construction Manager

Massaro Construction Company

project Summary:

The UPMC Mercy infrastructure project was an overhaul of the existing hospital essential power system.  Life safety, critical, and equipment brand power were all impacted in order to tie into the Clearway’s Energy Center Pittsburgh Uptown assist services.  Clista successfully completed the new emergency only substation, modifications to the existing transfer switches, and adding new transfer switches.  As part of the upgrades, we installed new panels, transformers, and communication cabling.

Multiple enabling projects occurred over the two year process in order to locate new equipment within the building. 

Greatest Challenges/REquirements:

  • Over 120 shutdowns occurred requiring thoughtful coordination between Clista Electric, hospital personnel, and emergency plan personnel
  • The hospital was built via diverse phases over the past 100 years using composite structure.  We needed to go underground from building to building, at times, to connect from one to another.
  • Replacement of (23) and upgrade of (12) automatic transfer switches
  • Provided and installed (6) remote terminal units (RTU)
  • Installation of redundant token ring fiber optic cable loop and communication cabling for controls to the Clearway Energy emergency power plant paralleling switchgear
  • Installation of new signals from each UPMC Mercy elevator controller to the new automatic transfer switches
  • Provide assistance for the start up and commissioning of the RTU’s and automatic transfer switches
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